House-sitting (staying in people's homes while they're away, and caring for their property and pets) is growing in popularity across the world, but few places more so than in Australia.

Whether it's because of the increased security, care of pets and plants, or purely because it's reassuring to know somebody's there to bring in the mail, I don't know. But, either way, it's offering a great opportunity to travellers, holiday-makers or those who simply enjoy the nomadic life.

House-sitting around Australia can, though, present a variety of challenges to the unwary, just as it can offer amazing benefits and experiences to the informed.

So, if this kind of adventure appeals to you, read on to find out more about house-sitting across our great sunburnt country from people who do it full-time...

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Like the idea of house-sitting,

but don't think you're up to it?

For the last few years my husband, Steve, and I have been house-sitting around Australia, travelling first by car, then by electric bike, now by car again (bikes are great for cities, but not so good for the outback).

Now, before you say, 'Oh, I can't do that,' perhaps I should mention that we're both 50+, don't have a stash of money in the bank, and have never, ever, held a gym membership (or set foot in one as far as I can remember). So don't count yourself out too soon.

The life of a full-time house-sitter and Digital Nomad is a fun one... It's full of variety, activity and adventure, yet there's also more than enough time to just sit and watch the scenery - and, of course, here in Australia there's more than enough scenery to watch.
